Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pinoy Photojournalist's URL Description

Whether you are an ace photographer , hobbyist , or just someone holding a camera phone that happens to be in the right place at the right time, please post your image here. This is a place for Filipinos to post that image that captured a unique situation, an image that by itself , tells a compelling story to the viewer.

The reason for the creation of this group is also to have an online photo repository that will describe, document and chronicle the life, struggle,spirit, hope and aspirations of the Filipino people.

We are looking for that image that defines a moment, whether its a fleeting decisive moment or a slice of daily life. Whether you captured a hero that lies in everyone of us, or just the devil that preys on the weak. It may be a picture that shows kindness and compassion, or a scene of chaos, madness, anger and frustration. You can use this group to shine the light on a person who excells and give inspiration to all of us, and at the other end, you can post those pictures here, that will expose corruption and evil, whether in our society ,or goverment.

This is your group and this is also your forum, you will be empowered here!

You are encouraged to post pictures of people at work, the daily activities, the commute, the afterhours, happy hours =), whatever it is that catches your emotion,whether its a heathbreaking or a hilarious incident, as long as you have a photograph of it, share it!

A portrait is acceptable only if it tells a story or if depicts a period in time , no landscape please ,unless it shows and display the human condition or the people that dwells in that place, the other thing that is acceptable is if the landscape image has a story and can stand on its on, even in the absence of human interest in it. No flowers, no glamour shot, no abstract.

Our subject is our people, the ordeal, the daily grind, whether street photography or just simple snapshots, we want to see the average Filipino, post it here!Let us see..., let us walk with them and follow the muddy tracks of their footstep, let us sleep in the shanties made of cardboard with them.

But with the same length and breath, we want to show our people at their best, we want images of Pinoys on pursuit of excellence, we want images of generosity in the midst of poverty, we want images of happy faces enjoying simple pleasures.

Show us your images of our people's indomintable spirit, their courage and perseverance, their self sacrifice. If you have a photograph that conveys any of these, please post it here and share your inspirations with us..

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